
Business Plan

It takes more than a great idea to secure bank's business loan. If you are looking to get help writing a professional business plan, we are here to assist you.

Our analysts create fundable and comprehensive plan, with indepth market analysis for your startup business or existing manufacturing or services facility - expansion plan. We can help you develop an effective strategy and proposal to bring your startup or existing business from business idea to secure government subsidized loan like Kamyab Jawan Program (Youth Entrepreneur Scheme).

Our plans are persuasive and evidenced due to thorough research, and years of experience of working with various small and medium businesses and industries, and proven to generate results. Our plan write will deliver a 15-20 page full-scale plan document that includes information such as:

Business Plan


  • Business Analysis

    Our professional business plan writing service include an analysis of your:

    Startup's development and launch strategy,
    Existing business expansion plan
    A successful business plan does not just describe your business idea, but it effectively proves why your business or expension needs to exist and what value it will bring to the market.

  • Our analyst will evalute your:

    Industry's history, current state, growth trends.
    Profiles of your ideal and potential Clients/Consumers
    Market size using imperical techniques
    Risk factors and mitigants
    Alongwith this analysis, details business plan shall substantiate prospective customers background, demographics and desires.

  • Attracting customers to a startup business requires an effective, cautious and deliberate strategy. Our business plan entails:

    Optimal strategy for your specific business
    Explaining techniques that will be used to build product or services awareness to attract customer
    We consider every aspect of your promotion strategy.

  • Bank or any financial institution wants to know that there is a strong plan in place to manage the operations of your business. A professional business plan provides a detailed description of your startup or expansion plan for:

    Human resource management
    Customer service
    Operational structure
    Quality assurance

  • Our professional business plan includes a full competitive analysis:

    Assessment and comparison of competitive factors
    Evaluation of your competitive advantages
    We will explain why your service or product is able to serve the market better than your closest competitor.

  • Using data collected through our research, and notes taken for certain assumptions, we will prepare a financial projections of your business plan and furnish following financial statements:

    Profit & Loss Account
    Cash Flow Statements
    Balance Sheet
    Valuation and Funding Requirements
    Payback Period

  • Bank wants to know who will be managing the business, and why those individuals are qualified to lead the startup to success. Your business plan will include detailed bios of each member and manager on your team; best demonstrating to bank that your team can handle the challenge of bringing your idea to life and growing it.

  • After analyzing market data, our analyst will form and present the best potential exit strategy options; bringing all the elements of your business plan together to show the bank what type of return they can expect.